to the Green University Group Aachen e.V.
We are students from a wide range of disciplines and advocate for you together.
Election to the student parliament 2024🗳️
Thank you for your votes and your trust! 🌻
Here’s to a successful, productive legislature! 🥳
Do you want to get involved in politics? Join university politics! 💚 Look forward to cool people, important topics and a relaxed atmosphere 🌻 Write to us to join us!

Who we are
We are a mixed group and study many of the different programmes that RWTH has to offer. Together we campaign for more sustainability, equality and other issues. We are members of Campusgrün and are networked there with other green university groups nationwide.

University politics
We are active in university politics at RWTH Aachen University and represent you in the student parliament with our parliamentary group.

In addition to university politics, we also garden in our own patch between SuperC and the university library or organise other joint events.
Are you interested in green politics at our university and would like to get involved?
We look forward to meeting you at our next meeting.
Just send us a short message via our contact form!