We currently have 15 of the 41 seats in the student parliament at RWTH Aachen University. This makes us the strongest faction!

We get involved in parliamentary debates and work actively in the various committees. With this commitment, we would like to stand up for your interests and for green issues in the committees of the student body.
Check out our positions and issues here:

Sustainable RWTH
The road to climate neutrality is still long: PV systems on university buildings, green facades etc. must be implemented consistently. In the future, sustainability must play a
play a greater role in teaching!

University sport remains!
Due to various construction projects, the university sports facilities at Königshügel will be severely affected in the next few years. Alternative sports programmes must be offered during the construction phase and in the long term, university sports must not be neglected!

Mensa and housing affordable and sustainable!
We demand affordable food and a transparent pricing policy which takes all options into account. We advocate for a wider range of vegetarian and vegan options. Furthermore, there is a need for an expansion and renovation of the student dormitories.

Hybrid teaching, more learning spaces!
We continue to call for more learning spaces and more outdoor learning spaces. We welcome the extensive return to face-to-face teaching. It is important to us that digital teaching and learning material, such as recordings of lectures, continue to be made available online.

Equality now!
We are actively committed to the equality of all people at RWTH University. Further structures for better representation of all genders in all areas of the
all areas of the university must be created. Furthermore we demand a critical reappraisal of the history of RWTH.

Good timetables, bike lanes and Templergraben car-free!
Public transport must be accessible to everyone, the network and frequency must be and frequency must be further expanded and night buses should also buses should also run during the week. Footpaths and cycle paths must be safe and comfortable. Templergraben must remain car-free!

Digital Policy
The principle of data protection must also be adhered to by the university.
We welcome the OpenSource culture and support OpenData and OpenAccess on the way to a science in which knowledge is freely accessible to all.

RWTH Green Campus
Some university buildings and spaces are unused. We want to open this space for you and your ideas. No matter if it’s urban gardening, your own summer festival or a cultural project.