We are the Green University Group Aachen. We study everything RWTH has to offer, from civil engineering and biology to computer science and industrial engineering. But students from other Aachen universities are also welcome and invited to join us. In addition to our studies, we are committed to green issues at the university. Among other things, we have been active in the student parliament for many years, but we also organise events and lectures outside of that. We also have our own flower bed in the middle of the campus!
We are represented in the campusgrün network, the association of all Green university groups.
You have questions that we couldn’t answer here? Would you like to come to one of our meetings without obligation? Just get in touch with us via our contact form 🙂
The Group

This is the Green University Group 2024, see if you know anyone! Not all of us are in the photo, but all of us are committed to sustainability, climate protection, social justice and much more. And many of us are not “only” active in the GHG, but also in the AStA, in the student councils or in (student) initiatives. We are also very well networked: at the university, in the city council and even in the state and federal parliaments.