We demand a solidarity-financed 129-euro semester ticket with Germany-wide validity, because students must also benefit from the implementation of the 49-euro ticket and at the same time the ticket can only become even cheaper through solidarity financing – without additional subsidies! That’s why we in the AStA have been significantly organizing the join-in campaign for the 129-euro semester ticket (asta.ac/129euro).
#repost @campusgruen: With the new year, many new regulations of the German government come into force. Among others, the Deutschlandticket. The exact start is still unclear, probably May.
Many universities have a semester ticket, like a monthly pass for students, but always for one semester🎫.
Now many student parliaments are faced with the decision of semester ticket or Germany ticket.
The BTU Cottbus – Senftenberg has now decided against the continuation of the semester ticket. For the coming semester, the prices of the semester fee will decrease abruptly.
Now, however, the prices of the so-called Deutschlandticket come to the students as an individual, which means in total additional costs for students. 💸
The Deutschlandticket includes a wider range of travel services, but on the other hand, students will have to pay €13 more for public transportation each month. And that in times of rising energy prices and inflation! ⚡️
👉We are clearly in favor of the continuation of the cheaper and solidary semester tickets. As before, we do not think that a ticket valid throughout Germany for 49€ is the future of public transport. Because 49€ is too much!
Semesterticket vs 49-Euro-Ticket