Election 2021 29. May 202110. July 2022 It’s finally that time again! This year, after last year’s elections had to be cancelled due to Corona, the student parliament will be elected again. The election will take place…
Interview with our rector Prof. Rüdiger 26. April 202110. July 2022 On Tuesday (27.04.) we want to talk to our rector via Zoom and ask him about the currently important topics at RWTH! This includes of course possible opening strategies for…
Opening strategy for cautious openings after the 3rd wave 22. April 202110. July 2022 We have written a letter to our rector Prof. Rüdiger, urging the rectorate to develop an opening strategy for RWTH (see below).📧 We are concerned about the mental health of…
Primetime for the climate: Support open letter 16. April 202110. July 2022 Climate news before every daily news! KLIMA° vor acht is an intiative that demands daily, short and comprehensible educational contributions and reports on the advancing climate crisis on the ARD…
Interview with our rector Prof. Rüdiger 26. April 202110. July 2022 On Tuesday (27.04.) we want to talk to our rector via Zoom and ask him about the currently important topics at RWTH! This includes of course possible opening strategies for…
Primetime for the climate: Support open letter 16. April 202110. July 2022 Climate news before every daily news! KLIMA° vor acht is an intiative that demands daily, short and comprehensible educational contributions and reports on the advancing climate crisis on the ARD…