On Saturday, an action alliance of Alle Dörfer Bleiben, Greenpeace, BUND, fridays for future and many others called for a special demonstration in the Rhenish lignite mining area. With more than 2500 people and 2m long yellow ribbons we formed a 5km long human chain from Lützerath to Keyenberg at the edge of the Garzweiler II open-cast mine. This marked the 1.5° limit, because the coal company RWE still wants to destroy and excavate six more villages at the edge of the open-cast mine for the production of energy from lignite. But the associated CO2 emissions alone would mean that Germany would miss the 1.5° target from the Paris Climate Agreement. The village of Lützerath, which RWE wants to clear this year, is currently under acute threat. This must be prevented! At the moment, for example, there are still legal proceedings against RWE in which the last inhabitant of Lützerath is defending himself against dispossession by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and RWE.
Some impressions of the cool action can be found below (some photos are also from the village and field walk in Lützerath, which took place on 24.10.2021).
You can find more information here (sadly it’s not available in English):
- klima-kohle-demo.de
- luetzerathlebt.info (see also on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook)
- alle-doerfer-bleiben.de (see also on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook)
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