We demand a 129-euro semester ticket🚆

We call upon the politicians: Students must not be forgotten when the 49-euro-ticket is implemented. Benefits that are granted to normal subscription ticket holders must also be granted to students! Therefore, the student bodies in NRW demand a 129-euro semester ticket with Germany-wide validity.

Students depend on affordable and sustainable mobility. The semester ticket is essential for this: Since the student body forms a solidarity community in which all members pay the same contribution – regardless of the actual use of the ticket – the semester ticket is currently ten times cheaper than comparable tickets. Solidarity financing must also ensure a clear price advantage in the future 💶

As GJ Aachen and GHG Aachen, we thus join the demands of LAT NRW. LAT NRW is the voluntary association of the students’ union executive boards (ASten) or university-wide student representations and therefore the democratically legitimized, state-wide representation of interests of the student bodies in NRW.

#ghg #ghg-aachen #aachen #aken #aixlachapelle #rwth #university #university #greenuniversity #campusgreen #rwthaachen #rwthaachenuniversity #grünejugend #49euroticket #mobilitätswende